The Druid is on Deck

Druid perk and skill UI with faded imagery of a bear and foliage from a spell.

The introduction of the Druid class to “Dark and Darker” has been one of the most eagerly awaited updates. Druids are usually known for their versatility and shapeshifting mechanics any many games, and Dark and Darker is going to follow suit. This new class will have some healing, and will be nice to offer another class into the support role.

Notable Characteristics:

  • Balanced Stats: The Druid boasts balanced stats, providing a solid foundation for both new and seasoned players. This equilibrium ensures that the Druid can perform various roles, from healing and support to dealing damage when necessary.
  • Support Capabilities: As a support class, the Druid has a number of options to both heal allies, and buff them up as well.
  • Shape Shifting: True to form the druid has 5 forms he can take right now including the default human, but wouldn’t be surprised to see more in the future. There is already a “Shapeshift Memory 2” available for another skill. So surely we can expect more than 5 forms in due time.


  • Bear: Transforms into a wild bear. SLow and too large to pass through single doors. Gain 10% physical damage reduction, 50% max health bonus. Lose 30% move speed bonus and 20% action speed. your jump lowers by 30%.
  • Chicken: Transforms into a chicken. Chickens can spread their wings and fly for awhile. Lose 60% max health bonus, 60% incoming physical healing and 60% incoming magical healing.
  • Panther: Transforms into a wild panther. Has very high speed, high jumping ability, and can perform the wall jump. Gain 5% move speed bonus. Lose 30% max health bonus, 30% incoming physical healing and 30% incoming magical healing. Also you can jump 20% higher.
  • Rat: Transforms into a wild rat. It is small in size and moves quickly, but has very little stamina. You can pass under a regular closed doors. Gain 10% move speed bonus. Lose 95% max health bonus, 95% incoming physical healing and 95% incoming magical healing. Also you can jump 10% higher.

The damage doesn’t seem to be properly applied so the shape shifting is fairly weak at the moment on the test server, we’ll update with more information as the proper damage comes online. Right now the bear hits for 16 total with normal swiped, and right click is around 33. What is interesting is the bear has a knock back, which is kind of useful in pve with ability to space some mobs away without getting hit.


  • Enhanced WIldness: While you are in animal form, you gain 5 additional move speed and 10 armor rating.
  • Force of Nature: When you heal a target, the target gains 3 physical power for 3 seconds.
  • Herbal Sensing: Detects nearby herbs.
  • Natural Healing: Recover yourself and nearby allies 1 health every 3 seconds.
  • Spirit Magic Mastery: When you cast spirit magic, you gain 10 magical power
  • Sun and Moon: Nearby allies gain 3 vigor and 5 magical power.
  • Thorn Coat: When melee attacked, return 5 true physical damage.


  • Shapeshift Memor: Transforms into the selected creature. Tools cannot be use din non-human state.
  • Shapeshift Memory 2
  • Spell Memory: Gain the ability to memorize spells to use in the dungeon.


Tier 1

  • Natures Touch: The target gains 15 additional r3ecoverable health. Also, healed 15 health over 12 seconds. Casts instantly and casts on yourself if no target is found.

Tier 2

  • Barkskin Armor: Increases armor rating by 20% for 8 seconds, encasing you in a protective bark.

Tier 3

  • Summon Treant: Summons a treant to fight with you for 12 seconds. Treants become mor3e powerful when summoned underwater.
  • Entangling Vines: Spreads roots across the floor in a 1m radius that last for 6 seconds. Any targets that pass through the area of effect are frozen in place for 3 seconds. After the effect is removed, the target gets immunity to the entangling effects for 3 seconds.

Tier 4

  • Thorn Barrier: Creates a thron barrier that lasts for 10 seconds. Any character stands near the thorn barrier will take 10 physical damage per second.
  • Dreamfire: Deals 15 magic damage within radius. Any allies or self currently affected by Nature’s Touch are Instantly healed for 10 Health per target damaged

Tier 5

  • Restore: Restore teh health of all allies within 3m radius by 30 health for 10 seconds
  • Mending Grove: Create a forest area centered around you within a 3m radius. Targets in the area gain 10% max health bonus and are healed for 10 health per second

Tier 6

  • Sprout a tree of life, granting 5 all attributes and granting 40 additional recoverable health over 8 seconds. Cannot casted on self.

Future Potential

While the current abilities of the druid are a bit limited and more are still to be introduced, there is some serious potential to note for the druid. From the ability to stack heals, amplify party members with aura like abilities, and some crowd control to boot… it’ll be interesting to see how the druid evolves.